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  • £18.00

    Hand & Body Soap 500ml

    Essential oils don’t just smell good but they are also natural medicines that have been used as treatments for centuries. Either used externally, internally or inhaled. 

    Unlike the synthetic fragrances that are made from harmful chemicals being widely used in beauty and care products, Essential Oils are harmless and have a therapeutic effect on our psychological and neurological system. 

    It takes a generous bunch of herbs to produce each a drop of essential oil and we add 125 drops of these essential oils in to each bottle of soap. So smelling a bottle of our Mahala Hand & Body soap is the closest thing to smelling a beautiful garden in the Mediterranean, where our inspiration has come from.

    Our plant based hand soap is combined with a blend of plant oils to us to help you stay fresh, relaxed, awake and happy during your day.

    Free from toxicity. Pure plant based hand soap. Glass bottle. 

    Bottles can be refilled at our Crouch End Store.

  • Face & Body Mist

    The perfect, nourishing, refreshing, hydrating reviver your skin will love.

    Pure 100% natural plant based water distillation. Can be used as a cooling and hydrating spray for the face, refreshing the room, sprayed linen or even added to drinking water. Even greater refreshment in the hot summer months. If you can imagine water evaporating in to steam, travelling through petals and taking all the goodness and then cooling back in to water. Also known as hydrosols, they are very gentle on your skin and have no chance of causing irritation.

    Ingriedients: Distilled rose water.
  • £95.00

    The Roomi Pants

    , ,

    Inspired by the Ottoman heritage,

    These are the most Comfortable pair of trousers you will ever find.

    Tailored with love and care for the wise and brave.

    Elasticated waist, pair of deep side pockets, low crotch, wide legs.

    Once they're on, there's no coming off!

    Material: 100% soft cotton moleskin.

    Colour: Brown

    Size: One size



  • £18.00

    Hand & Body Soap 500ml

    Essential oils don’t just smell good but they are also natural medicines that have been used as treatments for centuries. Either used externally, internally or inhaled. 

    Unlike the synthetic fragrances that are made from harmful chemicals being widely used in beauty and care products, Essential Oils are harmless and have a therapeutic effect on our psychological and neurological system. 

    It takes a generous bunch of herbs to produce each a drop of essential oil and we add 125 drops of these essential oils in to each bottle of soap. So smelling a bottle of our Mahala Hand & Body soap is the closest thing to smelling a beautiful garden in the Mediterranean, where our inspiration has come from.

    Our plant based hand soap is combined with a blend of plant oils to us to help you stay fresh, relaxed, awake and happy during your day.

    Free from toxicity. Pure plant based hand soap. Glass bottle. 

    Bottles can be refilled at our Crouch End Store.

  • £78.00

    Hand & Body Soap (5L Refill)


    Essential oils don’t just smell good but they are also natural medicines that have been used as treatments for centuries. Either used externally, internally or inhaled.

    Unlike the synthetic fragrances that are made from harmful chemicals being widely used in beauty and care products, Essential Oils are harmless and have a therapeutic effect on our psychological and neurological system.

    It takes a generous bunch of herbs to produce each a drop of essential oil and we add 125 drops of these essential oils in to each 500ml bottle of soap. So smelling a bottle of our Mahala Hand & Body soap is the closest thing to smelling a beautiful garden in the Mediterranean, where our inspiration has come from. Our plant based hand soap is combined with a blend of plant oils to us to help you stay fresh, relaxed, awake and happy during your day.

    Free from toxicity.

    Pure plant based hand soap.

    Bottles can be refilled at our Well Street and Crouch End Stores.

  • £15.00£42.00

    Mahala Anti-stress Candle

    , ,
    mahala candles are lovingly made for us in Bradford Upon Avon, Wiltshire. Made from 100% plant based materials. Soy and rapeseed wax, essential oils with a cotton and cardboard wick. Each candle comes in a recyclable amber glass pharmacy pot with black bakelite screw lid.Warming: Cinnamon & cloveAnti-stress: Lavender, BergamotBalancing: Lavender, Tea tree & Geranium


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet isse potenti. Vesquam ante aliquet lacusemper elit. Cras neque nulla, convallis non commodo et, euismod nonsese. At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium.

Store Address

No.1 Abbey Road,

Call: +44 (0) 800 123 4567

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 10am to 7pm
Saturday: 10am to 4pm
Sunday: 12am t0 4pm


  • vintage turkish rug 2 (1)
  • vintage turkish rug 2 (2)
  • vintage turkish rug 3
Vintage Turkish Rugs
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Our handmade vintage turkish rugs have a history of 50-100 years. It is made with a tool with the name…

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Vintage Moroccan Rugs
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Our vintage rugs from Morocco are handmade. Most are between 50 and 100 years old. The fact that they are…

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  • Vintage van rugs 3 (2)
  • Vintage van rugs 1
  • Vintage van rugs 3 (1)
Vintage Van Rugs
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We offer you these wonderful handmade rugs from Van, Turkey, on our page. The fact that they are handmade makes…

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